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NKK Switches设计,生产和销售业界最广泛的机电开关选择,为开关解决方案的质量,稳定性和可靠性设立标准。 NKK提供全套可定制解决方案,包括设计,编程和增值支持,将灵活性,专业知识和对合作伙伴成功的承诺相结合。

自1953年以来,NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.的质量和创新就已经在帮助改进世界各国各个主要市场上产品的功能性和可靠性。

NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.获得了ISO9001和ISO14001的认证。公司现可以提供范围广泛的产品组合,包括数百万种开关选项。

NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.提供的产品包括发光开关、摇头开关、翘板开关、按钮开关、滑动开关、旋转开关、DIP旋转开关、触摸开关以及键锁式开关,从逻辑电平到50安培,从超小型到标准尺寸,从机电式到电子设备,一应俱全。公司可以制造行业内选择范围最广泛的发光开关、流程密封开关、微型开关以及表面装配开关。

NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.获取了1000多项专利。许多创新设计已经成为世界质量标准。例如,独特的滑动双横杆(STC)接触机制被认为是世界上最可靠的设计。NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.在质量、创新和服务方面的独特融合使得公司在过去五年里三次被命名为“五大零部件供应商”。

为了尽可能向客户提供最快的服务,NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.战略性地定位经销商和代表处,维持着海岸到海岸和世界性的网络。

NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.的开关获得了UL认可和CSA批准。NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.的微型转换开关和按钮开关获得了第一批IEC认可。许多设备获得了欧洲认可包括VDE。产品均在通过ISO9001和14001认证的设施上制造。

NKK Switches designs, produces and sells the industry’s most extensive selection of electromechanical switches, setting the standard for quality, stability and reliability in switch solutions. NKK provides a full suite of customizable solutions that includes design, programming and value-added support by combining flexibility, expertise and a commitment to our partners’ success.

Since 1953, NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD.'s quality and innovation have been helping to improve the functionality and dependabilty of product in every major market segment in countries around the world.

NKK SWITCHES has been a leader in the manufacturing of miniature and illuminated switches for over half a century. The company was founded in 1951 by Shigeo Ohashi who had the vision to design and produce high quality, highly reliable industrial switches. Throughout its history, NKK's commitment to quality, excellence and innovation is apparent when reviewing the 500+ patents and numerous quality and innovation awards granted to this company. Its customers span the globe in their depth and variation.

NKK SWITCHES CO., LTD. celebrated the 55th anniversary of establishment in 2008. It is with a sense of history and pride that we intend to continue to move the company to the forefront of our industry. Our ultimate goal is to become a globally recognized brand with a strong reputation in the world markets. To accomplish this we have set two mandated priorities for the company as a whole: to further improve quality and to increase the speed of processes at every stage. In addition, a new brand name and logo concept has been implemented worldwide. This new global branding concept, NKK SWITCHES has been established and our brand logo has been updated in order to publicize this vision and aspiration inside and outside the company, as well as to promote the value of the NKK group brand to customers around the world.

Today, NKK products are available internationally through an extensive network of sales representatives and a wide range of distributors. Inventory is supported by this network on a local, regional and national basis. This has enabled NKK to achieve market dominance position and to continue to provide the excellent customer service for which NKK is world-renowned.

NKK SWITCHES is dedicated to growing sales and retaining our leadership position in the switch market.
NKK SWITCHES will sustain a leadership position with an unwavering emphasis on quality, stability, and reliability. NKK
NKK SWITCHES will continue to provide outstanding customer support by providing quality products, being responsive to market needs, offering competitive pricing, and by making ourselves available whenever needed.

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